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June 08, 2007



rapturous indeed. love the posting - don't you have some fabulous new wine glasses to drink this from?! here's to a holiday in puglia, especially if the locals all look like jarno trulli of formula one fame - trulli scrumptious... xo ~s


it's been some time since i've caught you looking moony over quintarelli and gravner. you should say hello again. soon...

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@sezza: grazie, bella! how go things at the illustrious due zuccheri http://www.duezuccheri.com? trulli scrumptious indeed - sounds like a good title for a blog entry about said forthcoming trip. funny you should mention about the wine glasses; post to follow...

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@eric: it's been far too long since my last visit indeed - time for a stock up on that torre dei beati rosato and some summery schiava for a tasting! promise to stop in soon [and not on a tuesday!]

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