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August 27, 2007



agreed, rubbish. i've often wondered about this myself. it's a shame that so much of what is considered "beautiful" is dictated by the media.


OMG AWESOME../love..wow very nice!

J.T. (formally J.W.)

awe shucks you guys. you are too kind. it was an amazing day filled with laughter. i hope to never encounter an awkward silence again. to that , i say "MOUSTACHE!" and natasha, if you are reading this, i think the Dali stash or the handle bars should be in the running as well.


I am a little jealous of your addition, it has to be said. I'm thinking maybe the handlebar moustache, one half on each index finger? It would obviously have to be a two fingered salute...


Great post...This is the pinnacle for me, I mean where does it go from here? I'm seriously thinking of hanging up my boots. Jen looks well sexy!

jess gonacha

so awesome. i love it.

Dennis Wakeley

LOL I like your style haha

Holey Skin

That tattoo really looks like a real mustache. It would look more real if it was tattooed in the upper part of her lip. But the thing here is, she was a girl and the tattoo won't fit on her.


totally in love!! with the tattoo, the idea of it, the girl.. all


i got here by coincidence, seems all great! please come visit my art in exchange myspace.com/claudiocasasano (i'll get the tattoo one day) ill inform you for further exhibitions :)

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