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October 10, 2007



This quinoa porridge has inspired me to look at grains differently. I've only ever had oats sweet. Even sweet rice porridge is a bit weird to me although it's a traditional Chinese dish.


It's so good, and the texture is definitely better than oatmeal. I am excited to have it again for breakfast today! I am going to make black rice pudding for the next Apartment Dinner Series, so I will post pictures of that in the next month or so. It's a really lovely dish, for breakfast or dessert.


Did you use flaked quinoa or whole? Can;t tell from the pic. Great recipe though! Some sliced almonds in there would also taste great- bring out the nutty flavor of quinoa. Another tip is to try to toast the quinoa a bit before adding the water.


I used whole quinoa, soaking it and rinsing it through about three times to take the bitterness away. You're right, I will try some almonds and certainly toasting it too, sounds yummy.

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